Jun 1, 2011

Don’t Worry, Be Wealthy: Easiest Time Ever to Make Millions, Author Siebold Says

The Millionaire Mindset

There are key differences between the way rich people look at money and the way the rest of us do, according to Siebold:

Wealthy people look at money in positive terms and as an opportunity, where as most of us live in fear of being laid off or not having enough money for retirement.
Instead of worrying about running out of money, soon to be millionaires are thinking how to make more money. World-class performers are finding problems that are profitable to solve. They know that just because a solution hasn't been discovered yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Millionaires tend to move towards what they want, rather than move away from what they don't want, which is what the masses most often do.
World-class thinkers have the guts to be optimistic right now in these shaky times and reject the middle-class cynicism that plagues the masses. It's not comfortable for a millionaire in the making to forge ahead when everyone around him or her is negative, cynical and unsupportive, yet the great ones push forward and are rewarded with riches for the rest of their lives.

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